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单词 bold italic 例句大全,用单词bold italic造句:

set sth in bold, roman, italic, etc type
将某文稿排成黑体字, 正体字, 斜体字等。
Tag will not render a link as bold or italic.
Property enables you to make text bold or italic.
Apply bold, italic, or underline formatting to text
将加粗, 倾斜或下划线格式应用于文本
But you are not really supposed to use red bold italic text.
Bold, Italic, and Outlined need to be added to the text part.
粗体, 斜体, 并概述了需要被添加到文本的一部分。
Bold, italic, underline and mixes. Teletype, replaceable, strikeout.
However, there are many typefaces that do not have separate fonts to represent bold and italic.
Type style Referred to a particular family member of a typeface , such as italic , or bold, etc. SeeType family.
指字体族内的某一成员, 例如斜体或黑体等。参阅字族。
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