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单词 Coconut oil 例句大全,用单词Coconut oil造句:

Port is mainly engaged in copra, coconut oil, rubber and transportation boards and timber exports.
The properties of the new hydrogenation catalysts for preparation of coconut alcohol from coconut oil
Study on the Application of Coconut Oil Amide Produced by One step Method in Reverse Flotation Production
The oil can come from animal fat or plants sauces plant sources like osercado avocado, coconut or sunflower.
油可以来自于动物脂肪或植物原料像其树, 椰子或者向日葵。
Whether youre cooking with the oil or using coconut flakes in a smoothie, two teaspoons is a good amount to stick to.
Effect of Coconut Oil and Tallow on the Concentration of Serum Lipids and a Preliminary Study on a Possible Mechanism
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单词 Coconut oil 释义

  • 单词释义:椰子油(可制肥皂,烛和食品等);椰油  [更多..]



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