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单词 come to life 例句大全,用单词come to life造句:

Could the beauty in the picture have come to life?
Come to Paris with me. You'll have the time of your life.
The dull party finally come to life when the band arrived.
Dont live an aimless sort of life. approach v. come near to.
They want you to come here strong because Ashram life is rigorous.
Adding some brillant lighting systems a boring booth come to life.
Just come close to you then I can have the fine appearance CHINA LIFE
Behind female life fault child, is the sexual desire able to come down
That sort of life style has come to stay whether you approve of it or not.
I got the feeling that my brain wanted to basically see it come back to life.
我有种很强烈的欲望,心里很想 看到它重现眼前
Audiences became apathetic as the novelty of seeing drawings come to life wore off.
Meanwhile, as spring advanced, the flowers in the seed ranch began to come to life.
There have been other important decisions in my life, like my decision to come to Auburn.
It should come as no surprise to learn that many abused children become abusers later in life.
Scholars of ancient times suggested that the emperor should adopt a policy of benevolence as a way to make people of all walks of life come and pledge allegiance to the country.
Instead, he talks about a higher level of consumer service, in which you ll come to Amazon, and the one product you 're been looking for all your life will be featured on the website that day.
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单词 come to life 释义

  • 单词释义:苏醒过来;表现生动;变得活跃;振作起来  [更多..]



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