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单词 client software 例句大全,用单词client software造句:

This is written client software teachers are using easy language.
这是笔试软件教师端, 都是用易语言编写得。
You don't need to install any additional software on the client machine.
Organization associated with the release of the client software package.
If client need service which cross VLAN, we should supply agent software.
如果客户需要跨网段的服务, 那么就需要增加一种代理软件。
It establishes the foundation for the next generation of client software.
Proxy Client software is provided by the manufacturer of the proxy server.
The video conferencing system consists of server software and client software.
Using tools that hack or otherwise alter the World of Warcraft client or server software.
使用的工具, 可以创造或改变的世界阴客户或服务器软件。
Simulation of mobile client software Fetion registry definition of the state machine code.
Installing, configuring computer software systems and applications on office client computers.
安装, 配置计算机软件系统和客户端计算机办公应用软件。
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