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单词 commercial software 例句大全,用单词commercial software造句:

commercial software package.
And many of them balk when presented with commercial software.
With commercial proprietary closed software, the opposite is true.
而对于商业得私有闭源软件, 情况正好相反。
Blog software platform provider of commercial value, no doubt exist.
博客软件平台提供商的商业价值, 毫无疑问是存在的。
In the real world, many people use commercial or proprietary software.
They permit modifications to be made and inclusion in commercial software.
The duplication of commercial software without permission from the developer.
Moreover, and commercial software like sharing software protected by copyright law.
而且, 和商业软件一样, 共享软件受版权法保护。
He is serious when he says he wants his Connection Machine to evolve commercial software.
当他说他想让自己的连线机进化商务软件时, 他是认真的。
Proxy server program source code, after further processing, can make commercial software.
代理服务器程序源码, 经过进一步的加工, 可以做成商业软件。
The hardware and software design method of a tax controlled machine for commercial use is presented.
The Numerical Simulation Commercial Software for Secondary Cooling Process in Billet Continuous Casting
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