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单词 check list 例句大全,用单词check list造句:

You should check each item off as she dictates the list.
This is shown in more than one check box having a list box.
Now, to check the list of things we need for the camping trip.
现在, 让我们检查一下露营旅行所需物品得清单吧。
Red fox list of revoke of3 check book is not quite sufficient also.
If you want a list of my enemies, just check the extinct species list.
如果你要我的敌人的列表, 那就去查已灭绝物种列表。
Check List of Oil Production Pollution Prevention for Fix Offshore Platform No.
There was an error trying to build the list of newsgroups to check for messages.
check out this rumored track list for Femme Fatale floating around the web today.
传闻, 检查这个版本的党徽为漂浮网络今天。
The check list is similar to what airplane pilots use before takeoffs set landings.
The cargo list and the total costs are enclosed in the appendix. Please make a check.
货物清单和总价款已经在附录中, 请您核对下。
Property to check the collection before calling any of the methods in the preceding list.
在调用上表中的任何方法之前, 请使用。
The check list is baseline of incoming quality check for 1 st batch material for ramp up.
Open the upper cover to check that all the parts mentioned in the packing list are included.
Responsible for establish the new tool maintenance check list, maintenance card and other related documentations.
负责建立新模具的保养点检卡, 维护保养卡以及相关的文件。
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单词 check list 释义



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