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单词 finishing touch 例句大全,用单词finishing touch造句:

It had put the finishing touch of reality.
She gave the festive table a finishing touch.
The finishing touch is your choice for clothing.
This is the finishing touch for your beautiful gift!
这是画龙点睛, 为你们美丽的礼物!
The flowers on the table provided the finishing touch.
Now we are going to make some clouds as a finishing touch.
Make good use of it, for your life, add a finishing touch!
A small button, may play a finishing touch on the role of clothing.
一颗小小的纽扣, 可能对服装起到画龙点睛的作用。
Scarlett felt that it gave her the final finishing touch of elegance.
The only finishing touch most of these puddings need is a custard sauce.
This is also in discussions with concise text of a finishing touch in the role of good.
这也是用简洁的议论在文中起到画龙点睛的作用, 好。
The sight of an opalglobed chandelier over the diningroom table was the finishing touch.
一看见餐室桌上挂着一盏蛋白石球的煤气灯, 他就满意极了。
Often through will add the finishing touch the pen to mold owner's lofty personal status.
In addition, a necklace, scarf what accessories do embellishment, believed to be the finishing touch oh!
The landscape sculpture in the landscape such as the environment will play a role in the finishing touch.
And the first word is a member of the same clan surname, after the end of the word can be the finishing touch.
而且头一字是本家的姓, 末后一字堪称画龙点睛。
Due to the effect of skylark eyes on the surface of picture, Skylark Knot is quite matched to others drawings, and always presents finishing touch for decoration.
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