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单词 ground set 例句大全,用单词ground set造句:

Fishing ground of set net.
Baiyun Airport Ground Service Set Record
The printing press was set up on the ground floor.
I set the log on the ground and shaved off the bark.
They set fire to the house, and it was burnt to the ground.
Eli lifted Punchinello off the bench and set him on the ground.
They set fire to the shop, and it was burnt down to the ground.
他们放火烧了商店, 商店被烧毁了。
Does a bird fall into a trap on the ground where no snare has been set
若没有机槛, 雀鸟岂能陷在网罗里呢
The hotel is set on three floors. Theres a bar and cafe at ground level.
Status and Management Countermeasure of Set Net in Mindong Fishing Ground
He set up a claim to jurisdiction over Byland on the ground of affiliation.
If you grow staked plants, set the sticks in the ground about half a meter apart.
如果你种大棵, 可以在土中插一个棍子, 相隔半米远。
If you grow stake staked plants, set the sticks in the ground about a meter apart.
如果你种打椿的植物, 把棒子固定在土壤大约相隔半米。
The civil war set brother against brother. there was a ground swell of antiwar sentiment.
According to this, a set of ground wheel equipment is designed to measure ground wheel slide.
There is no way we can know exactly why the megalith builders set the big stones into the ground.
Define a shape property for power and ground pins with the value set to either feed thru or abutment.
It had been damaged when he lifted it, he heard something clink feebly inside. He set it back on the ground.
It had been damaged when he lifted it , he heard something clink feebly inside. He set it back on the ground.
Within two kilometers around the venue, the police cordon set up three from the ground to the air, 24hour alert.
Set the same y offset for power and ground pins from the cell origin so that the FollowPins command works properly.
The party is set to further dissociate itself from the government to help recover its lost ground in the September polls.
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