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单词 gossip about 例句大全,用单词gossip about造句:

Been very careful to leave out of any story, anecdote, or gossip about the town.
很小心得躲过镇上的任何传说, 轶事, 闲话。
Deal in gossip and slander, ie make a habit of gossiping about and slandering people
Never engage in gossip. Make it a rule to say nothing about another unless it is something good.
Being jealous of miss li's excellent performance, Miss Zhou spread sarcastic gossip about her everywhere.
Gossip is derogatory and refers to talk about the private lives of other people, often of a critical kind.
Perhaps it has become suspect because of the tales of over-the-top generosity sometimes told in gossip about the very rich.
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单词 gossip about 释义



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