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单词 grassroots 例句大全,用单词grassroots造句:

Many thought this might be the start of a gradual rise of democracy from the grassroots.
The first tier are the grassroots foundation to provide speed data transmission backbone.
Considerations on the difficulty of practicing criticism in grassroots party's organization
Far from the epicentre of power in Bangkok, grassroots governance is beginning to flourish.
在远离曼谷权力中心的地方, 平民治理方式正开始盛行。
Guiding College Students to Take up Occupations in Grassroots Units by Harmonious Philosophy
The Social Composition and Grassroots Organization of the Guomindang after Its Reorganization
Selection of flow path of medical information system in grassroots units of armed police force
It is not good for a cadre to work at the grassroots level in the countryside for a long time.
在农村基层搞久了, 也有缺点。
Various facilities for grassroots sports shall be established and improved on an ongoing basis.
A major program of the International Finance Corporation is the Grassroots Business Initiative.
A citizen shall not act as a people's assessor concurrently at two or grassroots people's courts.
Extending democracy at the grassroots level is the groundwork FOR developing socialist democracy.
扩大基层民主, 是发展社会主义民主的基础性工作。
Reforming design innovation for organizational form at middle and grassroots level in enterprise.
The politician was able to take the pulse of the grassroots voters without becoming overly absorbed.
Increasing awareness, particularly at grassroots level, regarding prevention and treatment measures.
Grim situation, let superintend branch and certificate business grassroots unit not dare a bit is lax.
Is the first to divide, have explained grassroots tax revenue to solicit related theory of pipe pattern.
第一部分, 阐释了基层税收征管模式的相关理论。
The team is building the foundation of grassroots enterprise, is key to corporate survival and development.
Challenges and countermeasures for united front work in colleges and universities grassroots in the new era
Perspective and Countermeasure to the Illegal and Undisciplined Events in the Rural Cadres at the Grassroots Level
Grassroots innerparty election system reform is a mane content of accelerating the grassroots innerparty democracy.
The growth of secret society in the Qing dynasty was closely related with the efficiency of social control at grassroots level.
有清一代, 秘密会党的滋长与基层社会的控制效率关系甚密。
On the Necessity and Feasibility of Transforming the Managerial System of the Real Estate Control House at the Grassroots Level
Democracy at the grassroots level will be better practiced. People will enjoy a sound public order and live and work in peace and contentment.

单词 grassroots 释义

  • 单词释义:基层,基层民众;草根  [更多..]



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