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单词 go ahead with 例句大全,用单词go ahead with造句:

The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plans.
You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage.
您先去办手续, 我来帮您照看大件行李。
I've been authorized to go ahead and discuss an agreement with you.
With the beast in captivity, the competition can go ahead as planned.
Please go ahead with your story, there won't be any more interruptions.
All right go ahead, how about starting with the period during midsemester ?
Even with heavy issues on the horizon, go ahead and let them slide for now.
To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble.
The two companies have already agreed in principle to go ahead with the project.
The police issued a warning but allowed them to go ahead with the demonstration.
警方发出警告, 但仍淮许示?继续进行。
It's better to be prepared ahead of time and go into a place with your eyes open.
Now we are agreed in all respects, we can go ahead with the contract formalities.
As soon as those in authority give us the okay, we can go ahead with the project.
She presented a strong case to go ahead with the new project even though it is risky.
The Government was determined to go full steam ahead with its privatisation programme.
Aw hell, how am I going to keep you from reading ahead Lets go ahead with this chapter.
哎, 我怎样才能阻止你提前阅读呢?咱们继续这一篇吧。
It was not certain as The Economist went to press that Kraft would go ahead with its bid.
Now to go ahead with this, we really need to understand chemical evolution of the universe.
现在,开始讲这个前 我们需要去理解宇宙化学的演变。
Do you want to go ahead with the advance party, or would you rather be in the second group of climber?
Once the size of the expedition had been determined, it was possible to go ahead with intensive training.
When we had done the costings on the project, it was clear it would not be economical to go ahead with it.
The final decision on whether the project will go ahead rests with the prefecture, or local authority, which declined to comment.
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单词 go ahead with 释义



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