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单词 Girlfriends 例句大全,用单词Girlfriends造句:

He is a very eligible bachelor and has quite a handful of girlfriends.
I think guys who are cheating on their girlfriends are the lowest type.
It is believed a Gemini man has a string of girlfriends before marriage.
It was embarrassing for him to bump into one of his ex girlfriends last night.
Weekend shopping trips with girlfriends are sacred and not available for dates.
It's a shame you have encountered so many past girlfriends who had fallback guys.
About meeting Richard in a cafe where she and some girlfriends were drinking coffee.
Julie got a bunch of her girlfriends together and so we're just going to make a night of it.
朱莉叫了一群小姐妹 我们就打算这么玩一整夜。
It is quite commonplace for young workers nowadays to send their girlfriends home by flagging down a cab.
Some of my girlfriends over the ensuing years might argue that it was a technique I continued to employ at times.
It took a long time, but eventually some of them began to write to their mothers, their friends, their girlfriends.
过了很长时间,才有人提笔开始 写信给妈妈,朋友,女友
She worried that university counselors would eject her from school if they knew of the procedure. Girlfriends would have disowned her.
她担心学校辅导员会开除她, 女友也会从此断绝与她的来往。

单词 Girlfriends 释义

  • 单词释义:女朋友( girlfriend的名词复数 );女情人;女伴  [更多..]



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