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单词 cone in cone 例句大全,用单词cone in cone造句:

Spotsize The cone angle of the spot light, in degrees.
Design of the vertex angle of cone working end in robots
All these axes may be located with a transit in the exit cone.
Long and narrow in the form of a sharp cone truncated at its base.
长而窄, 象在根部被切断得锥形。
A beam of radiant energy in the form of a narrow cone or cylinder.
Prediction Techniques of Cone Production for Scotch Pine in the Sandy Area
the glass bottle can be in shape of a cylinder, a polygon prism or a cone.
This winged genie is holding a cone in his right hand and a bucket in his left.
Manufacture and inspection on the cone of high pressure bag filter in polypropylene plant.
Mechanism of Transition in a Hypersonic Sharp Cone Boundary Layer With Zero Angle of Attack
Calculation of roll torque in effect of ablation lag for spinning blunted cone at angles of attack
The leftshell of Pteria penguin reared in cone cage was liable to infection of polychaete verminosis.
Research on the support pattern of the adjacent construction works in a high cone for existing bridges
Cone index penetrometer is a special apparatus widely used for assessing soil compaction in agriculture.
Ultrastructural Observation on Vegetative Cone in the Stage of Flower bud Initiation of Pingguoli Pear Variety
Determination, of the outline of aperture area of solar cooker in accordance with the collecting cone of reflecting light
Stability Characteristics of the Boundary Layer of an Axisymmetric Blunt Nosed Cone in the Supersonic and Hypersonic Flow
Lacquer lian toilet boxes in Han Dynasty have also used the cone painting and attached gold foil sheets to decorate patterns in addition.
Establishment of the Finite Element Model of the Body Centered Moment of the Remained Melt in the Cone and Clylider Shaped Ladle and Its Calculated Example
The moxa cone used in indirect moxibustion is bigger than that in direct moxibustion. It could be as big as the seed of a Chinese parasol tree or small as the size of the little finger.
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