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单词 contrast image 例句大全,用单词contrast image造句:

Fusion of low light level image and laser assistant vision image based on contrast modulation
You can change the appearance of a clip by adjusting the contrast and brightness of the image.
A novel hierarchical image fusion scheme based on contrast pyramid decomposition is presented.
By exposing under different light filters, photographs with different image contrast can be obtained.
Built to strengthen the image contrast, strengthening treatment to darkened color levels and stability.
Common infrared image gray transform algorithms are studies in order to enhance infrared image contrast.
A so called contrast detection method is used for this adjustment of the focus of the photographic image.
An illumination device of variable contrast used in subjective evaluation of the image quality of a telescope
It was required to analyze the image characteristics, to measure and calculate signal to noise ratio of the lung parenchyma and the muscle of thoracic wall individually, the contrast and contrast to noise ratio between the lung and the muscle of the thoracic wall.
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