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单词 big game 例句大全,用单词big game造句:

Joe is the big man on campus after he helped us win the football game!
Ninth session of national children calligraphy drawing thesis big game
All the big game congregate here, and birdlife is particularly prolific.
To now I still want to be illogical, the appeal of network game how so big?
Recorded highlights of today's big football game will be shown after the news.
Part of the betting puzzle is to know where the big money is going on the game.
This away game loses the competition, to Asia peaceful and the infinite big loss.
这次客场输掉比赛, 对亚泰来说并无多大损失。
This method is often used when fishing for big game fish such as marlin and tuna.
The original idea of a big battle has turned into a desperate pursuit of the game.
Auburn fans traditionally cover the trees with toilet paper to make big game wins.
When the next big game comes along our confidence and those around us will be high.
因而当下? ? 重大比赛来临时, 我们的自信心会变得很强。
The card game had been going badly for him, so he decided to bring out his big guns.
这局牌已对他不利, 所以他决定使出绝招来击败对手。
As the big game 2 nd seed, Yiwannuoweiqi can enter the second round directly the competition.
During this section of computer game game, has included the Taiwan each big yard popular locomotive.
在这款电玩游戏之中, 收录了台湾各大车厂的热门机车。
You practice your ass off to get there, but the night before the big game, you just forget about it.
We're not going to get the decisions in these big games, I'm afraid, Ferguson claimed after the game.
The third session of Jiaozuo international Taijiquan exchange big game originally can happily attain the good result
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