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单词 benefits 例句大全,用单词benefits造句:

Accrual rate The rate at which interest is accrued. In pensions, the rate at which benefits accrue.
Acupuncture has great potential in social and economic benefits in the treatment of cerebral palsy.
Private property right serves private benefits, while public property right serves public benefits.
私有财产权用于满足私益, 公有财产权用于维持公益。
The Alumni Affinity Card offer access to a wide range of benefits, services, discounts and products.
Economic modelling has established that significant financial benefits will also accrue from eradication.
We always try our best to provide you with personalized products and services to achieve mutual benefits.
an acquisition based on analysis of the benefits of consolidation in anticipation of increased earning power.
The major benefits that accrue from picking any style are consistency and ease of recognizing coding patterns.
We take the customer's benefits as benefits and our prestiges that I take charge of to enjoy great popularity.
Both organizations will be able to accrue positive operational benefits from such cooperation and coordination.
giving top executives lucrative benefits that must be paid by the acquirer if they are discharged after a takeover.
A deep sonorous tone and a weight reduction of 18 kg are additional benefits of this stainless steel exhaust system.
Distinctly Analyze the Target of Invested and Absorbed Capital, Improve the Benefits of Invested and Absorbed Capital
Among the benefits of family planning services are decreasing maternal mortality and decreasing of abandoned children.
Accounts of the establishment of a preoperative assessment clinic and the benefits to patients have been well documented.
Apart from the abovementioned benefits of electronic filing of tax return, Internet Filing provides more benefits as follows
Accrued liabilities represent benefits that have accrued from the staff members'dates of entry on duty till the valuation date.
With regard to unemployment insurance and benefits to families, the benefits are provided by public administration institutions.
Assignment of contract rights is a complete right transfer to receive the benefits accruing to one of the parties to that contract.
Personal benefits accruing from a contract entered into by an individual are heritable in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
The paper gives an overview of the principles of editing and social benefits of the Acta Geographica Sinica for the last fifteen years.
Although the pace of housing reform is being accelerated, the old method of allocating housing through benefits has still has not been broken through.
In handling tax reductions or exemptions, all tax authorities at various levels shall implement laws and regulations impartially, and may not abuse their authority for selfish benefits.
Sometimes dignity is not easy to achieve. It can be abandoned for some benefits or be an undeserved reputation. In general, common people are enthusiastic about angling for fame and honor.
What that means in essence is that tiny computer chips, though relatively ' dumb ' on their own, can be added to billions of mundane objects and, thereby, yield substantial economic benefits.

单词 benefits 释义

  • 单词释义:津贴费;利益( benefit的名词复数 );(给职工的)奖金;救济金;益处  [更多..]



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