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单词 basic skills 例句大全,用单词basic skills造句:

He has pretty good basic opera skills, he articulates forcefully and pronounces clearly.
I was particularly struck by a group of teen age girls going through their basic skills.
Listening is the leader used to excite the action as the most basic communication skills.
Analysis on students'basic skills examination in pharmaceutical department in our college
Adult lions often frolic with their cubs to promote coordination and basic survival skills.
Discussion on the Basic Skills during the Interview of the Anchors in the TV news Programme
with the basic skills, that magic that you need to engage an audience, to engage a student?
不能鼓舞观众 和激励学生的,没有魔力的东西呢?
Improving Marksmanship increases basic bow damage, and increases damage dealt by bow skills.
Discussion on Basic Skills Training of Juvenile Basketball Players in Passing and catching a Ball
The charms of the body, skills and character constitute the basic elements of the athletic beauty.
Whatever you do, you should practise your basic skills hard, then you can learn more easily later.
Poor basic infrastructure and insufficient human skills and education can constrain industrial development.
This fist divides, the first three sections are the basic skills, the latter five sections are the technical law.
In the boxing match, mastering the punch skill is a critical skill in the basic skills, which is a quick and strong skill.
在拳击比赛中, 掌握击打的拳技是基本技术中关键性技术。
Beast Mastery improves your animal companion's basic attack damage, as well as skills that help to keep your companion from harm.
Wide range of subjects from Chinese to English examination, the application of the basic skills of the English language much more comprehensive.
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