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单词 as it were 例句大全,用单词as it were造句:

Yes, but he brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him.
The arithmetic signs in the analysis are, as it were, reversed.
He is given to viewing life as if it were an aesthetic spectacle.
He shrugged off my criticism as though it were beneath his notice.
Heat can flow from a hot body a cooler body as if it were a fluid.
She made me brief a Shelley ode as though it were a legal argument.
她让我像做法律论证一样, 简述雪莱的诗赋。
They came at it as though it were an enemy, which of course it was.
Ah, yes, the lighthouse keeper consented, as it were with humility.
As it was getting late, the children were quickly sent aloft to bed.
时间已晚, 孩子们很快就被打发上楼睡觉。
Say it as if it were it real conversation and youre the one speaking.
它说它好象一个真正的交谈, 你讲。
Close your eyes and picture each goal as if it were already accomplished.
and biting each one carefully between his teeth as if it were a delicacy.
Terry Yes, but he should bush it off as if it were not a big deal to him.
泰瑞听到了, 但他应该不理会觉得那并没什么。
The pony walked with its head down as if it were ashamed of its own looks.
Automation was discussed as if it were something entirely new in the world.
人们谈到自动化, 就好像那是一个全新的事物。
I felt as proud of my conception as if it were already a fact accomplished.
After I unfurled the Hsien Tsung banner,as it were, things began to change.
后来我开始用仙宗 的名称之后,情况就改观了。
It is almost as if it were rescuing, say, California from a looming default.
这就好像是在拯救加州, 使之避免即将出现的违约。
It seems as if it were only yesterday when I went to meet you at the airport.
With this customer, he felt himself, as it were, casting pearls before swine.
面对这个客商, 他感到好像是在对牛弹琴。
The fluorescent lamps in the hall shine brightly as if it were in the daytime.
But there was, as it were, a veil before my eyes and a blindness over my mind.
An electron or an atom behaves in some ways as though it were a group of waves.
Worldwide English broadcasters were on hand to describe the event as it happened.
And as it happens, the algorithms that were setting us up, they weren't bad either.
同样 把我们凑到一起的 配对公式 也不差
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单词 as it were 释义

  • 单词释义:可以说;在某种程度上  [更多..]



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