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单词 as is 例句大全,用单词as is造句:

Steering gear room located at the aft as is shown on the general arrangement plan.
As is always the case with bubbles, it is just a matter of time before they burst.
与通常泡沫发生的情况一样, 它的破裂只是时间问题。
The aim is as definitely a means of action as is any other portion of an activity.
It is true that, as is often noted, there is no constituency for budget discipline.
正如人们常说的, 没有选民会选择严把预算开支。
Hence, the following discussion is academic as far as current practice is concerned.
因此, 下面的讨论就通常实用角度来说是学院式的了。
It has proven quite easy to fire and is as accurate as the shooter is trained to be.
I fondly remember, as soon as is falls date of the mountain finally to wipe blushes.
This is a simple assignment statement as is found in almost all programming languages.
But, in fact, the pavilion is as illustrative of this administration as is prorogation.
I find these welds are not as good as the tabletop version, as control is not as smooth.
As far as I'm concerned, if Andrew is happy with who he is, it is our job to support him.
我觉得既然安德鲁不讨厌自己 我们只要全力支持他就够了。
His little daughter is as good as gold. She's never been as rebellious as other children.
We went across the small ravine, but stashed the bikes in the bushes, as is our tradition.
Writing desks are available, as is a private office and a boardroom for lastminute powwows.
Because addiction to nicotine is as strong as an addiction to heroin, abstinence is difficult.
Xiaolongnu is a female character in Jinyong's fiction who is as pure as jade and chaste as ice.
The Software and accompanying documentation is provided as is and without warranty of any kind.
Neuroticism is characterized as negative affect and extraversion is regarded as positive affect.
As is the case in most martial arts novels, the story is totally an invention of the imagination.
We also question whether the reclamation proposed for Black Point needs to be as large as is suggested.
The assignment of the trademark rights is possible, As is the possibility of community trademark protection.
As far as the research on Jin Dynasty's royal is concerned, in the strict sense it has begun as early as Yuan Dynasty.
对金朝皇族的研究, 严格意义上说是从元朝就开始了。
Accustom thyself to attend carefully to what is said by another, and as much as it is possible, be in the speakers mind.
让你自己习惯仔细倾听他人, 尽可能感受言说者的心灵。
Because the other company is trying to finish as soon as possible, we must determine our attitude as quickly as possible.
The good faith treats people, diligent is assiduous, strivesconstantly for selfimprovement is I as soon as is used to theattitude.
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单词 as is 释义

  • 单词释义:照现在的样子(指不再作修理或改进)  [更多..]



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