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单词 as above 例句大全,用单词as above造句:

College degree or above, students with intern experience is acceptable as well.
大专以上学历, 在校学生有实习经验者亦可。
As the moon rises above the sea, we share the same time though we are far apart.
Purple fringing levels were above average, and redeye was a big problem as well.
Complete protection for the grinder includes three parts of protection as above.
This is the same as a root with a major third and a perfect fifth added above it.
This is the same as a root with a minor third and a perfect fifth added above it.
Besides being interested in the purchases of entire businesses as described above
As stated above, there are at present7 ongoing trials involving17 accused persons.
Please acknowledge receipt of the above as soon as they come into your possession.
As you are aware that there has lately been a large demand for the above commodities.
如你所知, 因此近来大量需求, 为达到上述商品。
I certify that the above information as provided by me is true, complete and accurate.
I do not authorize for my photograph to be released for any purposes, as stated above.
As far as she was concerned, her husband stood head and shoulders above any other man.
在她看来, 她丈夫比任何其他人都行。
To pledge, hypothecate, sell of assign and otherwise encumber items as described above.
抵押,担保 ,出售或转让及上面所列之其他项目。
As mentioned above, the acquisition will also consider the ease of acquisition and cost.
如前所述, 收购方会考虑收购的难易程度及成本。
Only applicable to students aged 18 or above who are ineligible to act as the applicant.
As far as am concerned, I trust the advantages mentioned above exceed the disadvantages.
依我来看, 我相信上述提到的优点超过缺点。
As noted in paragraph23 above, the Electoral Division was abolished as at31 December2005.
This arrangement same as shown in the general arrangement above galley and part of dinette
I met this attorney, and gave him all the particulars at large, as they are recited above.
As above,it appears that Ganzi Loess is aeolian sediment in the periglacial environment.
If you would like to use the same descriptions as above, please check the appropriate box.
如果您喜欢使用上面的描述, 请选取相应的选框。
I walked into it almost without realizing and a bell above the door rang as it creaked open.
我不由自主地走了进去, 门上的一个铃铛随着门开响了起来。
Now, the water, which was as cold as ice and flowed faster than a river, was above her knees.
现在, 冰凉得洪水快速流过她得膝盖。
Situation apparently turning favorable buyer wily to compromise upon your assurance as above.
形势变化明显有利, 买主可能会同意你方所提的上述保证。
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单词 as above 释义



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