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单词 at all 例句大全,用单词at all造句:

Grandma You naughty girl, you just play all day long. You arent like your dad at all.
To ensure that all employees provide courteous and professional service at all times.
So given all of that and given how darn neurotic I am, how do I get any sleep at all?
At airport terminal I will watch out for his suitcase at all times during his absence.
在机场, 当他不在时我会时刻看著他的公事包。
The local Party committees at all levels meet in plenary session at least twice a year.
Governments at all levels and all cadres must stay honest and clean and abide by the law.
各级政府和所有干部都必须做到清正廉明, 奉公守法。
No, no, not at all. As a matter of fact, all of my secret crushes were on the band geeks.
Most important of all, peaceful international environs should be maintained at all costs.
The placement of a donkeys eyes in its head enable s it to see all four feet at all times.
Diurnal variation of absolute humidity at all levels was higher in a day, and lower at night.
Not at all. When she wants to scold me by enumerating my wrong doings, she has no excuse at all.
一点也不, 现在她想数落我时, 再也找不到理由了。
It occurs at all these different scales, first of all, from very, very small to very, very large.
Switzerland is committed to promoting sustainable development in all areas and at all State levels.
A Not at all. When she wants to scold me by enumerating my wrongdoings, she has no excuse at all.
The following day in the morning, all as usual, the affray yesterday ases if to had not happened at all.
第二天早晨, 一切如常, 昨天的吵架仿佛根本没发生过。
In no time at all he was at the very top of the giant bean stalk and jumped off into what seemed to be a cloud!
不久他就到了巨型豆茎的顶上, 然后他跳进一朵云里。
My friend Bob had a problem because he liked to gamble at all costs. He would play at any time and at any price.
Party organizations at all levels and all Party members shall safeguard the sanctity of the party emblem and flag.
The LMA award quarterly accolades aimed at recognising the work of managers at all levels of the professional game.
Additional help was given to the poor farmers in the form of loans at very low rates of interest or no interest at all.
Our clothing manufacturer produces various styles of clothes suitaBle for wear By men and women of all ages at all seasons.
This kind of accident is not accidental at all. It is all because that working staff lack safety awareness in their daily work.
All Players must be wear golf shirt, golf shoes at all the time. They need prepare all the competition equipment by themselves.
The proportion who felt at least some anger and fear hasnt fallen at all since the depths of the financial crisis in March 2007.
However, after adjustment for observation time, the age at diagnosis decreased minimally, if at all, with each successive generation.
然而, 在调整了观察时间之后, 诊断年龄下降明显减少。
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