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单词 A team 例句大全,用单词A team造句:

The team leader should appoint a team secretary to take and publish meeting notes.
小组的领导人应指定秘书做好会议记录, 发布会议纪要。
The aquarium has assembled a team of marine professionals to care for the sturgeon.
The Mariners are an example of a team that has won from an attractive stadium deal.
amid the sound of camel rings, a team of Persian merchants pass along the Silk Road.
The applicant should be flexible, creative, and be able to work in a team atmosphere.
Izumi said a team of officials from the ministry were assessing the extent of damage.
Toronto was a bad offensive team last, but it was the worst defensive team in the NBA.
A team came from Greenland, a massive island near the Arctic Circle, ruled by Denmark.
After a series of military adjustments, team K caught up with team C and took the lead.
In fact, such a team conducted an initial assessment of the port of Umm Qasr yesterday.
The key lab has a very strong basis of agricultural research with a team of researchers.
How can you motivate a person to be a team player after a long period of time as a loner
You need to put together a team to address the causes and implications of the difficulty.
A person's effort is additive effect, while a team's effort is the multiplication effect.
Any team member who accidentally or intentionally enters the water will fail team from a race.
所有队员不得落水或跳水, 不论是否故意, 违者该场判为失败。
I put the idea to him and he put it to the Board and we came out with a team of Arsenal ladies.
他转告了董事会并得到通过, 然后就有了阿森纳女仔队。
They were proud to belong to such a fine team. They were proud that they belonged to a fine team.
Mr Obama has indicated he wants to assemble a team of top talent, regardless of party or rivalry.
Pilchard from rinse, eliminate a team automatically to wear a head, cut a head till outfit canister,.
Hearing about what the farmers had found, the government sent a team of archeologists to excavate the well.
Be able to stand working together in , attaching importance to a team to come to analyse a problem others position.
Their performance in the Catering Team determines whether an addict could be promoted to the next level, a member of the Administration Team.
在厨房组的工作态度, 决定该居民是否能被升任事务组组员。
Established in2004, the bluephoenix new media arts, whose antecedent is the bluephoenix creative studio, is a team, who combines art designs, originality creativities, technologies and implement.
In the late 1980s, Tony Laithwaite, an English wine merchant, hired a team of young Australian winemakers to apply their expertise to the inexpensive grapes grown for French cooperative wineries.
He sits in the back of a white van, beaming as usual, surrounded by a team of assistants from Amazon.com, the Web's biggest retail store and, someday, if Bezos gets it right, Earth's Biggest Store.
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