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单词 at a word 例句大全,用单词at a word造句:

At the time of my birth, I was already a word.
在我出生的时候, 我就已经是一个词语了。
He glared angrily at her but did not say a word.
At a word he came to take the situation at hand.
There's a word in a spider web at zuckerman's barn.
Consisting of at least one bound form. Used of a word
a word placed at the beginning of a line or paragraph.
T is T at the beginning of a word or in a stressed syllable.
Age of acquisition is the age at which a word is first learnt.
He hesitated, abashed at his first attempt to use a strange word.
He returned at night weary, and ate his broth without uttering a word.
There was nobody to tell him, to hint him, to give him at least a word of advice.
But I could not say a word, and stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.
A kind word is remembered for a long time, but an abusive language hurts the feelings at once
良言一句三冬暖, 恶语伤人六月寒
My admirable Daddy, I would rather know you and not be able to speak a word of French at all.
A backformation is one of those words invented because they seem to have been at the root of a different word.
逆成词之形成, 是因为他们似乎是另一个词的词根。
英文例句大全为您提供at a word英文例句大全,at a word英文造句,关于at a word的英语句子,单词at a word怎么造句,at a word英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于at a word,英语单词at a word的句子,单词at a word如何造句,at a word怎么造句等。

单词 at a word 释义



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