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单词 Avela 例句大全,用单词Avela造句:

It might also be the case that he was being targeted in what was really a clandestine attack on Havelange.
Highway crews soon had the roads travelable.
Officially overall employment in the travelagency and bookshop industries fell as a result of ecommerce.
由于受电子商务的影响, 它在旅游业和书店业均下降了。
This is a typical view of a favela in Rio.
The second point I want to make about the favelas is, you've got to open spaces in the favela.
第二个要点是 拓大贫民窟里的空间。
So I want to make two points here tonight about favelas.
He goes up into the favelas to fight with drug dealers who have grenades.
Bring infrastructure to the favelas, to the slums, wherever you are.
把基础设施 投入到贫民窟中去,投入它的每一个角落。
Rios Favelados and the myths of marginality.
夏铸九, 王志弘空间的文化形式与社会理论读本。

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