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单词 Cao Cao 例句大全,用单词Cao Cao造句:

Cao Cao look at the slow pace of the march, fearing delaying fighter, was very anxious.
The domestically acclaimed actor, Zhang Fengyi, will star as the historic legend Cao Cao.
Research of Construction Schemes for Flume Trussed Arch Underslung Suspension at Cao River
Zhang Xiu Ling Liu Biao Guifu its people, the garrison city of millet, Cao Cao resistance.
This competition, Asian peaceful superior senior general Wang Dong misses, Cao Tianbao replaces.
Cao Xueqin s father is Cao Yong or Cao Fu, the Hong studies up to now did not have the solution.
Improving Aesthetic Perception of Drama by Poetic Mysticism FeelingsPoetic Study of Cao Yus Drama
Cao Shumin of telegraphic academy assistant dean expresses on congress of 2008 worlds communication.
Cao Gen rui Optical testing and Image Quality Evaluation, Optoelectronic Technique, Adaptive Optics.
曹根瑞光学测试与像质鉴定, 光电技术, 自适应光学。
Cao Cao, who was watching the battle from a nearby hilltop, ordered that Zhao Yun be captured alive.
Cao Cao carries out storing the farming system, has stimulated thehydraulic engineering construction.
Mr. Cao, the Beijing flight company owner, said the state meteorological agency also must be consulted.
Design on Assembly Formed Milling Cutter of Plastic Window and Door Corner Cleaning Machine CAO YAN QING
Cao Cao pursued him. It was the harshest time of winter. No supplies could be moved on the frozen river.
Civil and military officials urged Cao Cao to ascend the throne again and again, but he refused every time.
文武官员再三劝进, 曹操就是不肯称帝。
One night, Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao's army, when Huang Gai came in.
一日深夜, 老将黄盖来到帐中, 商议破曹以火攻为好。
But Guangbo Cao, workers between the operation is not aerobics, they can only be considered aerobic exercise.
He discussed with Zhuge Liang plans to conquer Cao Cao while simultaneously pondering how to murder Zhuge Liang.
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao recruited a lot of talented people and set up a separatist regime.
东汉末, 曹操延纳天下贤才, 雄霸一方。
The main varieties are cao xing , Tangwang xing , doublejen padan apricot apricot and the United States and so on.
主要品种有曹杏, 唐汪杏, 双仁杏及美国巴丹杏等等。
One day while Zhou Yu was discussing with his subordinates how to defeat Cao Cao, he was told that Jiang Gan had come to see him.
On having the emperor in one's power and ordering the dukes about in his name A dynamical reveal in CAO Cao's Documents and Letters
The development of kuang cao, or wild cursive calligraphy style, was another important achievement of the Tang Dynasty in calligraphy.
After his punishment, Huang Gai let his friend Kan Ze send a letter of surrender to Cao Cao, pretending that he was going to surrender.
挨了打之后, 黄盖就让好友阚泽投降书去曹操那里诈降。
Thus when the burning ships of Zhou Yu came charging down, Cao Cao was unable to disperse his warships in time. In the end they were all destroyed by fire.
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