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单词 bottom up 例句大全,用单词bottom up造句:

Raul and sometimes back up until the defensive side of the bottom line in the vicinity.
Use the rag in your pocket to wipe up excess water along the bottom edge of the window.
Abdomen Slightly tucked up beyond the bottom line of the thorax, but never greyhoundlike.
Pavilion set up four doors, four corridors have railings, the bottom of a wooden staircase.
楼阁四面设门, 四周有回廊栏杆, 底层有木制楼梯。
Simply hook up the umbilical cord to your water source and the tub fills from the bottom up.
只要把胶带与水源相接, 水就进入浴缸, 直至灌满。
Even dare not tell the truth, love is still in the bottom of his heart he vigorously grow up.
即使不敢表白, 爱情依旧在他心底蓬勃地成长起来。
It curled up and writhed about painfully, then quickly sank to the bottom, dead as a doornail.
虫子缩成一团, 痛苦得挣扎两下后, 就沉到杯底死了。
Like Liu, Zhang started his career in the railway sector and worked his way up from the bottom.
It is easier to fight a downhill battle than attempting to influence change from the bottom up.
Place some wadded up newspaper in the bottom of your container to set the foam blocks on top of.
The bottom of the dish moved up and down, sloshing the water back and forth through the ratchet.
将盆子的底部上下振动, 水便会被搅得在棘轮之间来回流动。
Dyed midnight, starting with the top down, and then from the bottom up, the effect will be better.
染的时分, 先从上往下, 然后从下往上, 效果就会更好。
We wish to frame up our blueprints starting from the bottom up by focusing on every single details.
Can observe the spicy pot of bottom that the chafing dish terminal inside the store comes up secondly.
其次, 可以观察火锅店内端上来的麻辣锅底。
Second part of the bellypress in the chin with the thumb hole, and then move up to the bottom of the ear.
第二部分腹部压在与拇指孔下巴, 然后移动到耳的底部。
Domain specialization, on the other hand, starts with the contained element and works from the bottom up.
Now the Aqua Posse lights up! Simply press two sensors on the bottom and watch these cute keychains shine.
很特别的一款钥匙扣!轻触底部, 就可以从内散发五彩灯光!
The biological assembly technique aims at building from the bottom up, atom by atom or molecule by molecule.
Just poke some holes around the bottom of the empty container and bury it in the ground up to the bottle neck.
And in the bottom o the carriage they be to put a noggin o rum in a small bottle, and chalk it up to my account.
Practice on Engineering of Prevention and Treatment of Bulging up Bottom Board to Become Deformed in Mine Tunnel
At this instant he caught sight of a great boulder sticking up from the bottom of the river that was advancing on him swiftly.
And the way it works is that there's a pump at the bottom, which periodically sends some of this liquid nutrient solution up to the top.
系统通过底部的水泵运转 水泵定期将营养液运输到顶部
A common technique of controlling water coning in oil reservoir with bottom water is to build up barrier by perforating and setting packer.
This bottom-up nanotechnological way of making things differs from the traditional fabrication methods that create so much waste along the way.
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单词 bottom up 释义

  • 单词释义:颠倒,<俗>干杯!  [更多..]



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