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单词 bread and milk 例句大全,用单词bread and milk造句:

He piled bread and milk into his basket.
The American live mainly on bread and milk.
I have had bread, beef, milk and fruit. And you
我吃的是面包和牛肉, 还有牛奶, 和水果, 你呢
To make banana bread you just put in one egg and cup of milk.
要做香蕉面包, 你要放进一个蛋, 一杯牛奶。
I always have coffee, milk, orange juice, freshly baked bread, and butter for breakfast.
I boiled the milk, cut four slices of bread, put everything on the tray, and started for the bedroom.
我煮好牛奶, 切了四块面包, 把所有东西放进托盘, 向卧室走去。
After I ate the bread and drank the milk, I felt far better. I had no clue what healed my stomachache at that time.
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单词 bread and milk 释义

  • 单词释义:浸于沸滚牛奶中的面包  [更多..]



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