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单词 gear drive 例句大全,用单词gear drive造句:

The selector position shall remain in the drive position and no further gear manipulation shall be done.
Fuzzy Reliable Optimization Design for Involutes Planetary Gear Drive with Small Tooth Number Difference
The Synchronizing Motion Control Research of the Gear Hobbing Machine Based on the Technology of Direct Drive
Kinematics Analysis of A New Planetary Bevel Gear Drive Device with Small Teeth Difference and Inclined Plate
Design Characteristics of A New Planetary Bevel Gear Drive Device with Small Teeth Difference and Inclined Plate
Optimization of Worm Fewtoothdeference Planetary Gear Drive in Certain Blowing Molding System by Using Chaos Immune Algorithm
Multiple objective optimizing design of a new planetary bevel gear drive device with small teeth difference and inclined plate
Linear movement, base and suspended mounted, single and double deck, single motor with gear drive and two motors with SELSYN drive.
The Design and Calculation Method of the Injection Molding of the Small Module Polyformaldehyde Spiral Gear to mesh with Worm Drive.
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