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单词 gas station 例句大全,用单词gas station造句:

I'm almost out of gas. Do you know where the nearest gas station is?
I mean, isn't the price fixed when they are the same brand gas station
香港得电油价格不是固定得 吗
If it's getting lowpull into a gas station and fill it up immediately.
The burglar was taken into court to be tried for robbing the gas station.
When the job, standing, domestic feeling is a maintenance and gas station.
A gas station appeared on the right and our maddened group swerved into it.
Three men backed a stolen vehicle through the glass front of a gas station.
At the gas station they raised the hood of our car to put oil in the engine.
在加油站, 他们掀起车盖给引擎上油。
What s the difference, spending my life at the gas station or behind these bars
The man quit his job at the gas station, and he and the boy crossed the border.
男人辞退了加油站的工作, 和男孩儿穿越了国境线。
The Analysis And Protection Discussion For Gas Station Lightning Damage Example
Therefore, while you are at the gas station, audio is being analyzed and recorded.
Analysis of Gas Station Sheds Collapse under Snow Load and Relevant Recommendations
Gas station data for the treatment of the Statute, to a reasonable agreement design.
针对加油站数据的规约化处理, 提出了合理的协议设计。
The Research of Measurement Processes for Gas Station by Serial Data Acquisition Method
Application of Pressure Adjustment First Stage Valve in Liquidated Petroleum Gas Station
Delighted, he decided to take a lunchtime walk to the gas station to cash in his ticket.
How would you like to run over to the gas station there and get yourself a bottle of Coke?
Businesses, the town is only in power stations and Yunyan Ping gas station two businesses.
企业方面, 全镇只有中坪电站和云岩加油站两个企业。
Delighted, he decided to take a lunchtime walk to the gas station to cash in his ticket.
Once you know the location of their colony, go to the gas station and fill up a can of gas.
一旦你找到它们老巢的地点, 去加油站, 装满一罐汽油。
Therefore, the optimization of the original gas station, openly assembly process is imperative.
Consumers will be able to fill up gasoline at Formosa Plastic's gas station starting in August.
It could also alert the driver when the car is running low on fuel and then provide directions to the nearest gas station of the driver's choice.
What I want out of each and everyone of you is a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse in that area.
大家逐屋逐户去搜查, 加油站, 民宅, 仓。
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