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单词 far off 例句大全,用单词far off造句:

For when clouds shut off the magnificent geography unreeling far below.
Zheng He sailed as far as Madagascar off the coast of South east Africa.
One of these may be a zoom lens, which can focus off object far or near.
镜头之一为变焦镜头, 可以拍近也可拍远。
The reason that they gave about American bombing wasn't all that far off.
Old Smith came round far a chat and finished off the remains of my whisky.
It goes far beyond the guy who always wants to mooch lunch off of me, too.
China is really far off. I can't believe I'll be there in a couple of weeks.
Fist off, I'm very pleased with the work we've done in our sessions thus far.
首先我对目前的进展 感到很满意。
I'm afraid the gangrene is far advanced, so we shall have to take your arm off.
They went so far as to break off a fruitful discussion on this crucial question.
Ram and Pig set off to the woods. Trot, trot. Before they went far they met Goose.
So we can say that we are off the starting block, but far from the finishing line.
我们可以说, 我们已冲出起跑线, 但离终点还很远。
Backed by low cost financing from Beijing, other deals will probably not be far off.
有了中方低成本资金的撑腰, 达成新交易想必指日可待。
Her bedroom have big windows where she could a great view of beautiful lakes far off.
Is the Expo Center still far off You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor.
世博中心还很远么 沿着这条观光长廊走就可以到达。
Brazils finance minister speaks of a latent currency war, and he is not far off the mark.
巴西财长谈到可能会爆发汇率战争, 他的话并不太离谱。
Eating lean chicken breasts every day has been paying off. I’ve already lost 3kgs so far.
Ram, Pig and Goose set off to the woods. Trot, trot, trot. Before they went far they met Hare.
公羊, 小猪, 鹅一起出发去往森林。
And the people kept their places far off, but Moses went near to the dark cloud where God was.
Press the outer bearing race backwards as far as possible and read the play off the dial gauge.
And the king went forth, and all the people after him, and tarried in a place that was far off.
The Invid mecha landed on the far side of the main cabin, snapping the copilot's chair off its mount.
因维无机兽落在了主舱室的另一端, 将副驾驶员的座椅扯落。
So far had Acetes advanced in his narrative, when Pentheus, interrupting, ordered him off to his death
Lily's score was far above this year's cut-off mark and was successfully enrolled by her dream university.
When the bowler had been knocked far six off three successive balls, the captain decided that a change was overdue.
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