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单词 export investment 例句大全,用单词export investment造句:

The Export and Investment Promotion Corporation of Ecuador
Investment, export and consumption are the troika for economic growth.
Our main task is to promote Polish export to China and investment in both countries.
Direct investment in China will yield higher economic returns than import and export trade.
同做进出口贸易生意相比, 在华直接投资的经济回报则更高。
The Berne Union is an organization of the international export credit and investment insurance industry.
The growth of investment, consumption and export has been quickened, and social demand further picked up.
Previously this has been hampered by high export tariffs, which have discouraged investment in innovation.
过去, 这受到高额出口税的限制, 让人们不愿意向创新投资。
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单词 export investment 释义

  • 单词释义:出口补贴,出口投资  [更多..]



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