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单词 exchange resin 例句大全,用单词exchange resin造句:

An Investigation into Techniques for Removing Pearl Oyster Protein with Cation Exchange Resin Method
The extraction rate was higher with the ion resin exchange method than the ethanol extraction method.
中提取生物碱, 离子交换法较乙醇提取法的提取率为高。
Selection of Ion Exchange Resin and Adsorption Performance for Human Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
Reduction of Acid and Alkali Consumption in the Regeneration of Ion Exchange Resin during Water Treatment
Synthesis of Benzylidene Acetone Catalyzed by Tributyl Amine Aminating Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin
Synthesis of Benzyl Carboxylates Catalyzed by Tributyl Amine Aminating Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin
Study on Purification Process of Total Alkaloids from Leonurus Heterophyllus by Means of Cation Exchange Resin
The synthesis of a chelating ion exchange resin and its application on the removal of manganese from waste water
The Preparation and Application of The Borohydride Reducing Rengent Supported by The Strong Acid Cation Exchange Resin
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单词 exchange resin 释义

  • 单词释义:(离子)交换树脂  [更多..]



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