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单词 even so 例句大全,用单词even so造句:

Even so, for now credit is likely to remain too expensive for the country's good.
虽然如此, 目前融资很可能对于巴西利益来说仍然太贵了。
Once a league laughingstock, nobody even so much as smirks at the Hornets anymore.
A feeling so intense, it resurfaces even though we tried so hard to keep it buried.
它是如此强烈 即使我们努力掩饰 也会显现。
Even so, how much credit would you expect Democrats to get for reducing the deficit
即便如此, 你预计民主党人削减赤字会博得多少赞誉?
Even so, the cap must fit, and only confirmed Rightists should be labelled as such.
但是也要扣得对, 确是右派才给他扣上右派这顶帽子。
Even so, the Yankees'rotation has become strength, and is close to getting stronger.
Even so, the report says the prediction of substantial damage by 2028 is conservative.
Even so, the report says the prediction of substantial damage by 2030 is conservative.
Even so, the works selected rarely demonstrated any link to the basic curatorial idea.
Nature abhors a vacuum, journalism even more so, and so it fills absence with windiness.
Even so, she and her husband, who still has work as a machinist, were sinking into debt.
But even so, the family will continue to be the last bulwark before the challenge of history.
但是, 尽管如此, 家庭将继续是历史挑战面前的最后堡垒。
Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.
Even so, it was clear that Martin's earlier, inconspicuous life would never be the same again.
In a sense everything is dreamlike and illusory, but even so, humorously you go on doing things.
虽然万事如梦幻泡影般虚幻, 你还是要幽默地继续做事。
So much that I even thought of sending you a telegram, just so that Id be able to deliver it here.
Even so, the peace activists of the day reacted to the news of his Nobel Prize with mortification.
Even so, you are still likely to be their fictitious biographical notes of the deceived or promise.
Even so there remained an ominous gap to the westward which for the time being could not be bridged.
So even with the slowing of the rotation of the earth and so on, the clock will keep perfectly good time.
所以即使地球自转速度变慢了 那个钟依然会准时的
Some zoos go even so far as to let the tigers out of the cage and have their pictures taken as souvenirs for tourists.
As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
As a flower that is lovely and beautiful, but is scentless, even so fruitless is the wellspoken word of one who does not practices it.
I learnt from her mother that she failed in the College Entrance Examination last year. Even so, she never gave up and was encouraged to go on studying hard and try again.
从她母亲那儿, 我得知她去年高考落榜了。
Even so, physical education has fought stepchild status, competing with art and music for dollars, space and time in crowded academic schedules - and the ghosts of PE past.
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单词 even so 释义

  • 单词释义:虽然如此,即使如此  [更多..]



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