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单词 family lawyer 例句大全,用单词family lawyer造句:

Her family sympathized with her desire to be a lawyer.
A lawyer issued a statement on behalf the victim's family.
The family's lawyer explained how my aunt's money was to be divided up.
The lawyer must announce that you are the true inheritor of the family fortune.
They held him for more than a year without allowing him access to a lawyer or to his family.
他被拘禁一年有多, 期间不准联络律师和家人。
The Modern Family star is engaged to his boyfriend, lawyer Justin Mikita, the actor has revealed.
摩登家庭男主角之一 杰西和他的律师男友贾斯汀订婚了!
His family and his lawyer said he was compelled to sign a confession as part of the release agreement.
Housework Service Canter provides service of tutor, family doctor, private lawyer, and other service.
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