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单词 Europe Day 例句大全,用单词Europe Day造句:

St Georges Day is still celebrated in Europe.
Jim expects to be sent to Europe any day now.
D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe.
Satellite photo of Europe and Africa at night on a cloudless day.
We meet on a day when the situation in Europe seems to have worsened.
Would it be possible to import Cannibal institutions into the Europe of Montaigne's day?
Set out to see myth in Western Europe from the explosive of Sung, set out from the judgment day of Sung.
从宋的火药出发看见了西欧神话, 从宋的末日出发。
Henceforth, there has not been a single day of peace in the political situation of Europe, a crisisridden continent.
从那时起, 欧洲政局无一日安宁, 危机重重。
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