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单词 by chance 例句大全,用单词by chance造句:

I glimpsed the dancer balancing ITself on the ambulance by chance.
I glimpsed the dancer balancing herself on the ambulance by chance.
I glimpsed the dancer balancing herself on the ambulance by chance.
the manager of the office came in by chance to have his own haircut.
The Law of Going by Chance and Giving up about the Humorous Criterion
They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married.
I quite by chance got drawn into a kind of impromptu party downstairs.
And by chance they caught a glimpse of Mr. Burgess as he turned a corner.
He intentionally or by chance picked out extra ordinarily abnormal species.
Lucky is an event that happens by chance that can be described as fortunate.
Just like I met with my brother Andrey in Beijing by chance, that is destiny.
If she meets or discover by chance that you read her diary, she can be furious.
如果她撞见你在读她的日记, 她会大发雷霆。
Our acquaintanceships are accidental, perhaps this is by chance a predestination.
He ended up in New York, where, by chance, he got a job with a decorative artist.
God is not indifferent, because it will give you, I stumble across by chance encounters.
Therefore, Caterpillar generating sets an impeccable reputation did not happen by chance.
It is not by chance that problems with exponential time complexity are called intractable.
By chance three aircrafts had crossed the sky and Watts special transmitter had found them.
碰巧三架飞机从天空飞过, 瓦特的特殊发射机发现了他们。
By chance, you see the blackboard, in an oblique position in relation to the piece of paper.
偶然地, 你们会到黑板跟这张纸形成一个歪斜的位置。
Some time she spent in wandering up and down, thinking to encounter the buildings by chance.
她在街上瞎转悠了一会儿, 幻想着能碰巧找到那些百货公司。
One day, he know a kind of method which keeps facial appearance from the ancient works by chance.
Meeting by chance is that kind of marvelous Miming preordained relationship is enough to cherish.
an image of a chalice that Dawkins had come upon by chance on one of his rambles in Biomorph Land.
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.
学习并非偶得的, 必得是用热诚寻找和勤勉出席。
Yesterday although dissipated, distinguishes to meet by chance difficultly, how can forget your affection.
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单词 by chance 释义

  • 单词释义:偶然地,意外地;无意之中;碰巧;偏巧  [更多..]



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