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单词 bite at 例句大全,用单词bite at造句:

He looked around at the others, nodded, and took another bite of griddle cake.
Without a fair hearing, one more promising career at Ford would bite the dust.
福特公司又一个人的美好前程就轻轻断送了, 而不容许申诉。
She took a big bite of her breadandbutter as she stared at the little drawing.
她一面咬了一大口黄油面包, 一面瞧着那张小画。
Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.
He was so happy that he squealed, Bah!at the top of his lungs when I took a bite.
Hence the piggy is continuously Be turning circle at first, want to bite happiness.
于是小猪不停的在原地转着圈圈, 想要咬到幸福。
At brush to bite match, brush the hair to move after placing in bitmatch come forward.
在刷咬合面时, 刷毛置于咬合面上前后移动。
Gazing at the frozen float, now what your want was a single bite of fish but it never come.
来东想鱼儿哪怕吃一口也好地, 但是就是不来咬。
Eg Jim failed at his first try, but he was lucky enough to have another bite at the cheery.
Looked at the glistening yellow, bright oily the bergamot fruit, I really wanted to go up a bite.
This encounter against, Maxi Di bite is still catching up, getting the two sides at the end of the first half 22.
遭遇如此打击, 马希蒂仍紧咬直追, 上半场结束时双方打成22。
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单词 bite at 释义

  • 单词释义:向…咬去;向…叫骂;上当  [更多..]



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