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单词 cell phone 例句大全,用单词cell phone造句:

The cell phone battery indicator indicates how much charge is left in the battery.
This handheld cell phone jammer comes complete with battery, charger and carry case.
Today, while talking to my boyfriend, I was frantically searching for my cell phone.
You knowinging. I noticed those almaximum eVery abundance one class owns a cell phone.
A billion of them are going to have the ability to access it on their cell phone soon.
有十亿人很快的将得以透过手机 获得这个服务。
Doing something else while talking, like answering a cell phone or using a BlackBerry.
在和孩子谈话时, 同时做其他事情, 如接听手机。
My cell phone can't receive stable electronic signals because of electronic pollution.
Cell phone holders, name card boxes, garbage case are all transformed from candle cups.
I didn't bring my cell phone with me, so I have to call you back from a telephone booth.
If you open the cover plate of your cell phone, youll see a rectangular LCD on its backside.
把手机的盖板打开来, 背面就是一整片长方形的液晶萤幕。
I pulled out my cell phone call made by the people who laid an ambush outside a short message.
Screen a smooth, there is background music support, a strong narrative of the cell phone game!
一款画面流畅, 有背景音乐支持, 故事性很强的手机游戏!
because augmented reality will change our lives just as much as the Internet and the cell phone.
扩增实境将改变我们的生活 如同互联网和手机那样
Although some cell phone accessories are trends, most are very beneficial to the cell phone user.
'The American approach is get everything that's on a laptop into a cell phone, ' Peterschmidt says.
I tried to reach you on your cell phone. But i was in the basement and couldnt get a signal at all.
我试着打手机联系你, 但我在地下室, 根本收不到讯号。
Cell phone photography documentary function of mobile phone features documentary photography images.
手机摄影的纪实功能, 赋予了手机摄影图像的纪实特性。
Full patch pocket with overlapping cell phone pocket and additional accessory pocket at the front wall.
If anything's amiss, you ll get a warning and live footage of the action on your video-capable cell phone.
The group soon realized that the Internet is a whole different animal when you 're looking at it on a cell phone.
Cell Phone Use Endangers Boneheads The jury is still out on the relationship between cell phone use and brain tumors.
Nokia engineers found a way around that problem by designing a flat, platelike antenna that could hide inside the body of a cell phone.
Finally, there's the all-important cell-phone-dinkiness annoyance factor.don't want to do a lot of page views on this thing, says Peterschmidt, holding up his cell phone.
But advances in technology mean that operators will soon be able to use the lag time in the arrival of signals to calculate a cell phone user's location down to as little as 10 meters.
Organized by the environmental group, the Earth Island Institute, the pool was built with contributions from Warner Bros., the Humane Society of the U.S., and cell phone tycoon Craig McCaw.
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