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单词 car parking 例句大全,用单词car parking造句:

She maneuvered her car into a narrow parking space with ease.
Jack pulls into a crowded parking lot and gets out of the car.
I leave my car in different places, towns, parking garages, etc.
我在不同的地方, 镇, 车场离开了我的车。
Excuse me, but isn't that my parking place you've put your car in ?
对不起,是我的停车场,你怎么 把车停在里面?
Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.
For your own safety, please park your car in the emergency parking area.
为了您的安全, 请将车停到紧急停车带内。
The valet puts on a crash helmet and fullbody armor before parking your car.
If you haven't got a night parking permission, you can't park your car here.
The restaurant have six parking space allocate in the public car park next door.
在隔壁的公共停车场里, 这个餐馆有6个停车位。
Just as I was pulling away from the parking place, another car crashed into mine.
正当我离开停车场时, 另一辆汽车撞到了我得车上。
Just as I was pulling away from the parking place, another car crashed into mine.
She'd been loading packages into her car in the parking area of a shopping centre.
她当时在一个购物中心的停车场, 正在将购物袋搬到车子里。
They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.
He carelessly bumped into the parking meter alongside the road while backing his car.
The control of the user of car parks and parking places and other matters relating thereto
Make sure the car is in Park and the parking brake is disengaged before you start the car.
Raised terraces for communal usage combined with covered car parking are blended into the slops.
The university administration said the car parking fees would help to deal with illegal car parking.
Research on Modelling and Simulation of the Parking Car Axle Slant Angle Based on the Tire Outline Identification
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