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单词 casting shrinkage 例句大全,用单词casting shrinkage造句:

None of these casting have shrinkage defects.
Shrinkage Prediction of Locomotive Long Hub Core Casting
The Ways for Elimination of Shrinkage Hole in Light Casting with Isolated Hot Spot
Research on Defect of Air Shrinkage Porosity in Casting of Unleaded Tin Bronze Alloy
The casting is easy to suffer from deformation, surface sink and internal shrinkage.
Prediction of Shrinkage Defects in a Third Class Moving Turbine Blade by Invested Casting
With a wheel hub casting as example, the measures to prevent shrinkage defects were proposed.
The shrinkage hole in the casting can be effectively eliminated by using the cross gating system.
通过采用十字型横浇道, 避免了铸件缩孔得产生。
There easily exists shrinkage porosity due to superheat of ingate root in large plain parts investment casting.
大平面铸件常在内浇道根部出现过热, 在该处产生缩松缺陷。
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单词 casting shrinkage 释义

  • 单词释义:浇铸[铸造,铸件]收缩  [更多..]



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