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单词 Blood Red 例句大全,用单词Blood Red造句:

It is generally accepted that thinning of the blood reduces the chances of thrombosis.
一般认为, 稀释血液可降低血栓形成的可能性。
PurposeThe aim is to establish a simple method to extract superoxide dismutase from pig blood red cells.
I tried to cut his index finger, whether the red blood red in autumn ?
我试着切入自己的食指, 殷红之血能否染红秋天?
And there she was with her bandaged stump of a left foot still wrapped in the fresh bandages with dry blood red at the end.
Why is the person's blood red ?
Blood red nails on your fingertips
They are blotchy blood red. They smell like decaying flesh.
花是到处带有污点得血红色得, 闻起来像腐肉。
Blood red burns my eyes, Xieshui cold Qigu, the endless heartache.
Iris bright, if cinnabar eyes, it should be presented pigeon blood red, and color blocks with a.
虹膜明亮, 若是朱砂眼, 应该呈鸽血红色, 且色块有一。
But it can't fade your blood red, clog your passion insight.
但它不能让你鲜红的鲜血褪色, 不能阻止你的激情表达。
The blood red element that cure requires kind medicaments is found hard however in home.
We shall wash the darkened blood red sea
Study on the Utilizatio of Micronucleus Test in the Peripheral Blood Red Cell in Mice to Detect the Water Quality Pollution in Qingshan Lake
Yellow Nest and Blood Red Nest require longer time for stewing.
Skiff Miller demanded, his brows lowering and an obstinate flush of blood reddening his forehead.
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单词 Blood Red 释义

  • 单词释义:[电影]血洗移民潮  [更多..]



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