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单词 snowden 例句大全,用单词snowden造句:

By contrast, all of the files that Edward Snowden took from the National Security Agency in the United States fits on a memory stick.
与此相反,所获得的文件 可以放在一个
There has been a debate in Germany about granting asylum to Edward Snowden.
德国内有一个关于 给爱德华?斯诺登提供政治庇护的争论
I just wonder, do you think the American government should give Edward Snowden amnesty?
我想问,你认为美国政府 应该给爱德华豁免权吗?
The Guardian said Snowden is considering seeking asylum in Iceland.
Do you consider it possible there is that part of Snowden we've not seen yet?
你认不认为也许斯诺登的某一面 我们谁都没有见过
He also insisted that Russia's security services had no contact with Snowden.
You saw, I think, the talk and interview that Edward Snowden gave here a couple days ago.

单词 snowden 释义

  • 单词释义:斯诺登(姓氏)  [更多..]



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