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单词 more successful 例句大全,用单词more successful造句:

So the sooner you can achieve these milestones, the more successful you are.
所以你越早实现这些里程碑, 你就会越成功。
acquire nutrients more successfully, invade the body, they'll be selected for by evolution.
更好的吸收营养 侵入机体 他们则被自然保留
They acquire successful companies and are dedicate to make them even more successful.
A third, Adolf Hitler, was more successful.
第三个人, 阿道夫。希特勒, 更成功一些。
The greater the number of satisfied clients, the more successful and reputed an agent would be.
越多得客户满意, 更成功将银饰代理人。
Parallel efforts by many groups aim to research how to use the Internet more successfully.
Shun, the amount of terrain, the less effort and more successful.
It turns out that we were more successful than we had anticipated.
In today's warehouse environment, organizations are more successful with sound architectures.
Do you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages?
But beenz are one of the more successful attempts at helping people to easily and safely spend small amounts of cash online.
Learn about BlackBerry programs that can help you become a more successful developer.
The question is, can listening to classical music make you more successful?
She found herself more successful in sending away, than in retaining a companion.
the more successful it is as something that's compelling, interesting and sustaining.
就越加的成功 越加的吸引人 越加的有趣和隽永
We can't let up on our efforts to compete with other more successful firms.
在同其他那些更兴隆的公司竞争中, 我们丝毫松懈不得。
Create a support team. You'll be far more successful than if you go it alone.
His successor David was more successful and more politic.
He was no more successful as a gambler and very quickly he was in debt.
他在赌场上很不顺利, 很快就负债了。
More and more successful business people fill restaurants and dine on Shanghai delicacies.
Some divers couldnt get more than a word or two typed out, but others were slightly more successful.
Better coal supply company environment, diversify the sources of ore more successful.
公司煤炭供应环境较好, 矿石来源多元化较为成功。
We've been more successful in the case of drug policy.
Inevitably, parts of a complex union are more successful economically than others, and this can undermine the unions monetary management.
Strong and effective leadership might have made the team more successful.
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单词 more successful 释义

  • 单词释义:successful(成功的,如愿以偿的)的比较级形式  [更多..]



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