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单词 souring 例句大全,用单词souring造句:

PH or titrated acidity test which shows souring and number of bacteria.
还要检测牛奶得酸度, 太酸得牛奶是不合格得。
The objective of this project is to investigate the effect of the acid souring on removing anionic trashes during pressing.
This helps explain why the souring of the wars failed to tarnish the militarys reputation.
这一点能够解释, 为什么战争没有破坏军队的声誉。
Application of Microbial Flocculates in High Strength Souring Water

单词 souring 释义

  • 单词释义:(使某物)变酸,变馊, (使某人)阴郁( sour的现在分词 );关系、态度、人等(使)变坏,恶化  [更多..]



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