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单词 Tuckahoe 例句大全,用单词Tuckahoe造句:

Tuckahoe contains the part such as protein, adipose, lecithin, reason has effect of take a tonic to build up health.
This method is brief, convenient and rapid, it can be used to analyze and measure the multiple microelements in tuckahoe simultaneously.
Tuckahoe has be good at lienal in filling, benefit waterlogging is wet, action of ning xinan god.
Influence of Decoction of Bighead Atractylodes Rhizome and Tuckahoe and it Combining use of other Herbs to Gastrointestinal Hormone of Rat of Deficiency Syndrome of the Spleen
What disease does bolus of cassia twig tuckahoe treat ?
What disease does bolus of cassia twig tuckahoe treat?
Results mifepristone influences the compatibility of guizhi tuckahoe capsule glandular myopathy effective healing uterus.
Do capsule of tuckahoe of cassia twig of hyperplasia of remedial mammary gland and lacteal nucleus come loose knot piece can be you taken together?
Main compositions Sour orange, tuckahoe, carapace element, fatremoving saponin etc.
主要成份代代花, 茯苓, 甲壳素, 清脂皂素等
The crust of Tuckahoe Pie is made of Tuckahoe powders and refined flour.
The earthy tuckahoe of Chinese traditional medicine takes Bao soup to drink, OK
中药的土茯苓拿来煲汤喝, 可以吗?
Raw material The pig is spinal 500 grams, earthy tuckahoe 60 grams, the root of remembranous milk vetch 30 grams.
原料猪脊骨500克, 土茯苓60克, 黄芪30克。

单词 Tuckahoe 释义

  • 单词释义:[地名] [美国] 塔卡霍  [更多..]



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