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单词 more thoughtful 例句大全,用单词more thoughtful造句:

But we need to adopt a more thoughtful and considered approach to our work.
Can I ask you if you will agree that classical music is more thoughtful.
Can I ask you if you would agree classical music is more thoughtful?
Can I ask you if you if you will agree classical music be more thoughtful.
请问您是否同意古典音乐更富不音乐更富不 思想性。
After a more thoughtful four bars ofp the soloist leaves the stage with a widespread arpeggio.
The movie is basically a comedy, but there's an dynamic that is a little more thoughtful.
影片基本上是一出喜剧, 但是潜藏着更深一层的思考。
You should be more thoughtful of your behavior.
I should be more thoughtful. I didn't intend to be so careless.
Massa is even more thoughtful when describing the terrible ordeal endured by his family.
He became more judicious, more mannerly, more thoughtful, eager to please.
他变得更明事理, 更有礼貌, 也更体贴人了, 且急于讨人欢喜。
He became more judicious, more mannerly, more thoughtful, and eager to please.
他变得更明事理, 更有礼貌, 也更体贴人了。他也乐于讨人欢喜。
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单词 more thoughtful 释义

  • 单词释义:thoughtful(沉思的)的比较级形式  [更多..]



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