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单词 more terrible 例句大全,用单词more terrible造句:

The most frightening thing is breaking up, something more terrible than death, that is, to abandon.
最可怕得就是分手, 比死亡更可怕得东西, 就是离弃。
Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action.
It was worse for the women, who faced an anguish more terrible than death.
Wild beasts may have been frightening, but these two kidnapers were even more terrible.
The storm became more and more terrible as the sun set.
傍晚时, 暴风雨来得越来越猛。
fighting with gecko! more terrible than a tigar beneath my bed!!!
Through the chambers of the brain sweep phantoms more terrible than reality itself.
The light in the church went out, but the terrible sounds continued and became more terrible.
光在教会关了, 但是可怕的声音继续了并且变得更加可怕。
Dad is more terrible when he lose his temper.
Where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
She drank some water nerving herself for a more terrible ordeal.
她喝了几口水, 使自己镇定, 准备应付一场可怕的严酷考验。
Hypocritical sincerity is more terrible than the evil.
虚伪的真诚, 比魔鬼更可怕。
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单词 more terrible 释义

  • 单词释义:terrible(可怕的)的比较级形式  [更多..]



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