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单词 Glass House 例句大全,用单词Glass House造句:

Nico Van Der Meulen Architects designed the Glass House in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Biological characteristic and raising seedings technique of squat by engrafting in the glass house
People who live in glass houses should pull down the blinds.
I moved him out of the Glass House and into the boondocks, hating minute of it.
He is always criticizing Rick for being unorganized, but I feel that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
他总是批评里克条理性差, 可我觉得正人先正己嘛。
My father is always criticizing me for being unorganized, but I feel that people in glass houses should not throw stone.
我父亲总是批评我没有条理, 但是我想正人先正己。
We're not doing films for the elite and the people in their glass houses.
我们不是为精英一族 和那些住在玻璃屋里的人而拍
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