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单词 cable cars 例句大全,用单词cable cars造句:

There are aviaries, cable cars and a swimming centre called World.
Tourists can find some aviaries, some cable cars and Water World there.
The cable cars in San Francisco climb slowly to the top of the many hills.
Cable Cars in Glacial Valley, France, 1960
There were coaches and crowded cable cars.
Stagecoach Min River Bridge, cable cars Yulei top of ups and downs.
回望南桥花梁栋, 父子千载利西川。
I also have a variety of placeables, from pianos to phonographs to cable cars.
There were early lights in the cable cars, whose usual clatter was reduced by the mantle about the wheels.
电车也早早就开了灯, 车轮上的积雪降低了平常的轧轧车声。
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单词 cable cars 释义

  • 单词释义:<美>(电)缆车( cable car的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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