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单词 more stylish 例句大全,用单词more stylish造句:

Her smile grew warmer, her manner of clothing more stylish, and she became graceful. Janice
她笑容可亲, 服装得宜, 气质高雅
These days, people are becoming more and more stylish and fashionable.
In addition, beauty parlors usually offer a more stylish and comfortable environment than barbershops.
The new taillight design uses a large area of the honeycomb design, more stylish.
Central fuselage with a perfect color match to make it more stylish and elegant.
Open space make the town become more pretty, more eminence, and more stylish.
城镇有了开敞空间会变得更亮丽, 更崇高, 更具时代感。
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单词 more stylish 释义

  • 单词释义:stylish(时髦的,流行的,入时的)的比较级形式  [更多..]



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